Tuesday, September 26, 2006

SIGH* How people care

There was once a time on the forth of July My brother and I were very bored.We were at a big celabration. peolpe were every where.I randomly fell on the ground flailing and screaming AAAAHHHHHHHHHH BRAIN TOMER !!! IT'S EATING MY BRAIN!!!!!Concerned my brother runs to me asking are you ok are you ok?!?!. I got up and told him yeah I'm fine and I walked away casualy. though out the day I continued doing the same thing over and over again.Noone really seemed to care they just ignored me.Tired and still bored I found my brother and told him to run in one direction and that i would run in the oposite.I told my brother when i say now turn around and run as fast as you can.As soon as we were far enofe i yelled NOW! we both went running as fast as we could at eachother. As we colided I heard the loud clunks of our heads hiting and we both fell backwards. Growning in pain both my brother and I layed in te grass unable to see straight and noone cared to look or care of our suffering.So that day I learned a valuable lesson . Noone cares about your mental or physical state. u could be bleeding to death on the sidewalk and they'll just walk over you if not on you.


Blogger Ashwathi said...

that's such a weird thing to do!
but it's actually true.. people are really caring as long as u don't need their help. but the plate turns, when u're in need.

10:32 AM  

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