Wednesday, September 27, 2006


My name is Rico Silva.I live in Sarasota, Florida USA.

What I think about love...There's four types of love in the world.Each one has a very diffrent feeling.There's the love for your family,mothers,fathers,brothers,sisters,cousins,aunts, uncles.All of these people can be a big part in your life.There's also the love for the objects or things such as music, toys, games that are close to you,And ofcorse you can,t forget the love you have for your friends.The people you know you will never forget.The people who are always there for you no matter what,But then there's the most powerful of love.The love you have for a girl friend or boy friend.That person who makes you happy all the time. The person you get butterflys from when you just think of them.The one person you know will make everything alright.They are the soul reason you live and the one person you never want to leave your side.Love is about caring.Love is about going out of you way to make sure that person place or thing is happy.That is what love is.


Blogger Ashwathi said...

kind of true.. mind ur spellings and grammar.. the world gets to look at it!

10:49 AM  

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