Tuesday, December 04, 2007

its been awhile...

just dropping by not that i think anyone reads this however i will start writing again
i seem to be doing a lot of it this year
so expect alot of new things in a couple days lets see what comes out of Ricos head when he isnt doing it for school work

Friday, November 17, 2006


I think that People should be aloud to have the right to love someone of the same gender without having to worry about not being able to get married or having children.
I'm sorry to say that Christianity has taken over America and because they think it's wrong so it is wrong.
I think that is wrong. Homosexuals should be treated the same as everyone else. There is no reason why they shouldn’t be able to adopt or marry

Monday, November 13, 2006

Middle ages VS Renaissance

The era of Renaissance was alot more into science than the middle age. Many new things were created. In the middle ages there was more violence.The era of Renaissance was a time of education.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Lord of the flys

ch.1The theme of The Lord Of The Flys is People are hardly diffrent form animals. We all have a primal side.
Ralph seems to be the one in control he is very bossy far diffrent for piggy who is quiet and always being made fun of.
ch.2A bunch of children are stranded on an island . Three of the kids leave to explore the island to find a mountain.ch.3The three boys Start afire at the top of the moutain in hope that someone would see the smoke and come looking for them.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cultural Comparison

In the early 6oos the Arabs took over the Persian Culture.Both the Persians and the Arabs were very similar after that time.Before this the Persians believed in Zoroasterism.In 570-1258, the Arabs Believed in Islam.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


My favorite holiday would have to be Halloween.I love to scare and to get scared. Halloween also happens on my other favorite holiday, Samhain.Samhain is the day we celebrate the dead and the new year.Samhain is alot of fun.
Rico Silva Sarasota, Florida

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

^_^ YAY!

I just wanted to say HAPPY SAMHAIN!


I think that it should be the parents whether or not their child dies. I don't see why someone would ever want to kill an infant. =(

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Family is always there. They help you with your problems. they make you feel better.Sometimes family isn't just siblings,Aunts and Uncles.Sometimes family are friends.My friends suport me.They make me happy,and I know they will never let anything happen to me.

Monday, October 23, 2006


I Don't normaly watch T.V. However when I do I like a large variety. Anime is my favorite so far.
Rico Silva
Sarasota Florida

Thursday, October 19, 2006

you know you want to

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Teen life

My name is Rico Silva. I live in Sarasota Florida. This is going to be a rant...A rant about how hard it is to be in this world and how adults think they know every thing when they don’t have a clue. I’ll admit they know a few things when it comes to drugs, school, and stuff like that, but there are so many other things. Life is hard for a teen. School is no treat. It makes me mad when mom comes home and goes i'm so tired and so sore, because she has no clue.Yeah she has work, but reality check so do we. School is work and then some of us have to go do jobs straight after that. And then you come home and your parents are yelling at you to do chores. I go to school do work. I work my very hardest, and straight after that I have to do theater shows.I'm working from 5:30am-10:30pm.
You finally come home and your parents are yelling at you for the low C you got on that test you studied so hard for. I don’t see why they have the right to work 8:00 to 6:00 then complain, and then they yell at you because they wanted to eat something, but there were not plates because you’re stuck at work. I mean if they wanted a freaking donut sooooo badly they could at least clean a dish. I just wish they could understand.I'm still working on that history report I hate doing so much until 2 hours before you have to catch the bus to school. All the wile your parents are nice and cozy in there own beds asleep. We all know life is hard. I just got to say the day we stop thinking we know every thing will be the day the adults do. I would also give my thanks to the older ones who understand. THANK YOU

Friday, October 06, 2006


I think Zen is aother form of karma. Karma is what goes around comes around. It's in every day life right now. You go shopping and you let a woman with three kids go in front of you.
that would be good Zen, but If you decide to stab the woman and kidnap the children thats very bad zen. Now if you let the woman pass you in line then good things will come back to you, however if you decide to stab the poor woman then odds are your not going to have good zen coming for you.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


My name is Rico Silva.I live in Sarasota, Florida USA.

What I think about love...There's four types of love in the world.Each one has a very diffrent feeling.There's the love for your family,mothers,fathers,brothers,sisters,cousins,aunts, uncles.All of these people can be a big part in your life.There's also the love for the objects or things such as music, toys, games that are close to you,And ofcorse you can,t forget the love you have for your friends.The people you know you will never forget.The people who are always there for you no matter what,But then there's the most powerful of love.The love you have for a girl friend or boy friend.That person who makes you happy all the time. The person you get butterflys from when you just think of them.The one person you know will make everything alright.They are the soul reason you live and the one person you never want to leave your side.Love is about caring.Love is about going out of you way to make sure that person place or thing is happy.That is what love is.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

SIGH* How people care

There was once a time on the forth of July My brother and I were very bored.We were at a big celabration. peolpe were every where.I randomly fell on the ground flailing and screaming AAAAHHHHHHHHHH BRAIN TOMER !!! IT'S EATING MY BRAIN!!!!!Concerned my brother runs to me asking are you ok are you ok?!?!. I got up and told him yeah I'm fine and I walked away casualy. though out the day I continued doing the same thing over and over again.Noone really seemed to care they just ignored me.Tired and still bored I found my brother and told him to run in one direction and that i would run in the oposite.I told my brother when i say now turn around and run as fast as you can.As soon as we were far enofe i yelled NOW! we both went running as fast as we could at eachother. As we colided I heard the loud clunks of our heads hiting and we both fell backwards. Growning in pain both my brother and I layed in te grass unable to see straight and noone cared to look or care of our suffering.So that day I learned a valuable lesson . Noone cares about your mental or physical state. u could be bleeding to death on the sidewalk and they'll just walk over you if not on you.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thinking though analects

1. I dont think he veiws it as ether good or bad. They are just putting everything in a different prospective.

2. I agree with the teachings because its true. If you study without thinking how are you supose to remember

3. To study without thinking is futile. See answer 2

Monday, September 11, 2006

Dark Angel

I can hear you dark angel.
I can hear your silent cry for help.
I can see the pain your in, as crimson tears run down your cheeks.
I will save you no matter what dark angel, whos face is so fair and spirit so pure.
I will save you from the isolated torture chamber you have been forced to call a home,and you will forever more be at peace for i will always be there to stop those crimson tears that run down those precious cheeks.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Opedipus the king

1.Opedipus send for Tiresia to uncover who murder Laius.2.They looked up to him for awnsers and they wantted him to do something about the pleage.3.Opedipus is so determined to discover the murder of Laius because he was curious.He also wantted to know/show woh murder Laius.

Friday, September 01, 2006

hades and pandora

The story of Pandora and the story of Hades were both greek stories that had something to do with the gods. Both Pandora and Hades caused pain and death to the mortals.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

thinking critically

Pericles's commet reveals that no matter how much time passes some things will never get old.
Like Twinkies!Twinkies never get old. The Athenians wont judge you on how you look or how you act.They honor what people do in there life time.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Wolf And Bat


He breathed hard as he felt the transformation. His bones were reforming. He could feel his nails grow longer and howled in pain as his jaw stretched forward. The man in front of him just watched. His black cape flowing in the wind, his eyes shined with the light of the full moon. He smiled in grim satisfaction at the man in pain. The man in pain was named Durok. His bones were fully formed. Now his fur was beginning to sprout. The other man shrouded in darkness was named Ketlash.He realized Durok's transformation was almost complete; it was time for him to change too. He felt his incisors elongate. From his back black wings formed and his bat like ears sprouted. Ketlash's muscles tightened and his skin grew paler. Now both Ketlash and Durok were fully formed. It now came down to this one battle."It is your time wolf!"Ketlash growled. Durok's only reply was a blood curtling howl. Now as the moon somehow shifted it's light over the area you could see clearly the two enemies. One werewolf and one vampire. The vampire flew forward and slashed at the werewolf. Durok dodged to the side and grabbed the vampire's wing. He swung him around and let Ketlash fly into a tree. Ketlash examined his damaged wing. Right through the middle it was torn. Blood slowly leaked through the wound. Once again the werewolf dashed forward, fangs barred. Ketlash felt the claws of the werewolf dig into either shoulder. As the werewolf attempted a bite to the throat the vampire dug his hind claws into the wolf's body. Durok was kicked off by the vampire and skidded onto the ground. Ketlash threw the werewolf into the shadows. As moonlight was cut of from Durok his body began to change back. Ketlash laughed malevolently,"Hahaha now you don't stand a chance."Durok was not finished yet, he ran directly at the fully formed vampire. Durok was still in the middle of changing back. He threw himself forward at full force into the vampire. The battle continued as moonlight once again flooded Durok's body. Each was ready to fight to the death; each wanted desperately to kill the other. They wrestled on the ground in a fury of claws and a clashing of fangs. Finally they separated. Durok was bleeding profusely from a wound on his upper chest. His leg was deeply lacerated and the scarlet liquid dripped from his fangs and claws. Ketlash was no better off, his ear had been ripped clean off and there were claw marks all over his body. His ribcage poke from the skin just a bit occasionally squirting a few drop of black blood. Shallow fang marks covered his arm. Nothing was deep enough to cause a turn though. Both were weary from harsh battle and brutal damage. As a last ditch effort Durok fakes out the vampire and from behind burrys his fangs deep into the neck of the vampire. Ketlash felt werewolf venom pump into his veins. If a werewolf and a vampire bite someone they die within seconds. Knowing his life was short Ketlash flipped the werewolf over his head and thrust his fangs deep into the throat of the werewolf. Vampire venom was spread throughout the body. Both lay there as they died cursing the other's name. Finally the souls of the two left their bodies and parted forever. That is the final moments of the lives of the brothers Ketlash and Durok.

Friday, August 25, 2006


Im rico and this would be my very first blog as u can see,but anyway im going to be writing about things Im learning in English class and maybe acouple other things. thats all I really have to say at the moment so ill see you later. Oh yeah I almost forgot *poke!* ^_^
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